Documents relating to the legal entity, Stack Exchange Inc., mainly for suppliers, vendors or potential employees.
DMCA Takedown Notice
Note that we reserve the right to pursue legal action for submitting false or frivolous notices of copyright infringement. As such, please consider all...
Digital Services Act
The purpose of the EU's DSA is to ensure that consumers and their fundamental rights are protected when engaging online, and to establish a transparent...
Guidelines for the Use of the Stack Exchange, Inc. Trademarks
The Stack Exchange name and logos are trademarks of Stack Exchange Inc. The names and logos for sites and products operating on the Stack Exchange netw...
Human Rights Statement
1. Introduction The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sets out the minimum standards that are necessary for individuals to live with dignity. The ...
Legal Questions and Requests for User Information
General For any general legal inquiries, please send via email to Government Request Guidelines At Stack, we take the priva...
Modern Slavery Act – Transparency Statement
We are publishing this statement as a demonstration of our commitment to anti-slavery practices and an affirmation of the values we hold and adopt acro...
Supplier Code of Conduct
Objective This document describes Stack’s policy applicable to its suppliers, vendors, consultants and contractors (“Suppliers”). We expect and encou...