Supplemental Terms for Stack Overflow for Teams

These Supplemental Terms for Stack Overflow for Teams (“Supplemental Terms”) supplement and form a part of your main Stack Overflow for Teams agreement (“Agreement”).

Depending on your Stack Overflow for Teams implementation, Stack may provision you with add-on products and/or additional features (each an "Add-On"). Such Add-Ons may be provided as part of a private or public alpha, beta, or preview (each a "Test Release"), to which the applicable terms are provided below if required to be made publicly available.

By using an Add-On or participating in a Test Release, you also agree to the applicable Supplemental Terms. If a Test Release includes an update or new feature associated with an Add-On, you acknowledge that more than one set of applicable terms as provided herein may apply. In other words, these Supplemental Terms apply to you if you have procured or activated a respective Add-On and/or agreed to participate in a Test Release. As such, any violation of these Supplemental Terms is a violation of the Agreement.

Capitalized terms not defined in these Supplemental Terms will have the meaning given in the Agreement. Use of any personal data in the course of using an Add-On or participating in a Test Release is governed by the Stack Overflow for Teams Privacy Notice.


Each of the Add-Ons offers different features and functionality, which are listed below, along with the corresponding additional terms that apply to your use of them.


OverflowAI is comprised of a suite of features that can be added to your Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise plan.Each of these features is governed by the General OverflowAI Terms and any additional associated terms provided below.

Customer acknowledges that certain functionality of OverflowAI is enabled by Stack’s use of Azure OpenAI Services, for which Customer’s use thereof may be subject to certain terms and conditions imposed by Microsoft, including, without limitation, Azure OpenAI Service’s Code of Conduct.

General OverflowAI Terms

Customer acknowledges that OverflowAI leverages AI Enhanced Services (as defined below) and those corresponding terms herein apply to Customer’s use of OverflowAI.

Enhanced Search

Enhanced Search aggregates and summarizes the most relevant search results from your internal Stack Overflow for Teams community and the global, public Stack Overflow community into helpful answers, allowing users to find solutions faster and reduce time spent parsing through content. Users can tab between your private internal knowledge community or the global, public community, so it’s always clear where knowledge is coming from. Additionally, the summarization is validated through attribution.

To provide this service, Enhanced Search will collect Customer provided search input text ("Customer Search Inputs"). These Customer Search Inputs are not “Content” as defined under the Agreement and Stack will collect additional usage information related thereto; however, Customer will retain ownership of the Customer Search Inputs.

Stack Overflow for Visual Studio Code

Stack Overflow for Visual Studio Code meets developers where they work by providing the power of Stack Overflow inside your coding environment, without switching screens or tabs. With Stack Overflow for Visual Studio Code, developers can surface solutions and contextual knowledge from Stack Overflow for Teams and the global Stack Overflow community inside their IDE. Additionally, AI assistance helps draft learning and documentation for future knowledge reuse inside Stack Overflow for Teams.

No additional terms.

Auto-Answer App for Slack

The Auto-Answer App for Slack provides instant access to institutional knowledge and your team’s domain expertise by automatically searching your Stack Overflow for Teams knowledge base and returning results without requiring additional user action. It also summarizes Slack threads into Questions & Answer content in Stack Overflow for Teams when enacted by a user. Doing so allows user engagement without disrupting the flow of work. The Auto-Answer App for Slack will search and return results only in the public channels where it is enabled. Users may use Auto-Answer summarization in all public channels.

No additional terms.

Auto-Answer App for Microsoft Teams

The Auto-Answer App for Microsoft Teams provides instant access to institutional knowledge and your team’s domain expertise by automatically searching your Stack Overflow for Teams knowledge base and returning results without requiring additional user action. Doing so allows user engagement without disrupting the flow of work. The Auto-Answer App for Microsoft Teams will search and return results only in the channels where it is enabled. Admins can manage the app and channels/teams where it is enabled in Admin settings.

No additional terms.

Test Releases

Generally, each of our Test Releases will be governed by a uniform set of terms, which are provided below.However, if specific terms apply to a particular Test Release, these specific terms will also be provided below in so far as we are required to maintain a publicly available recording of such terms (e.g., private beta terms may not be publicly disclosed).

Except as mutually agreed to by the parties in writing, the term of any Test Release will not exceed 60 days. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the license rights granted under the Agreement and these Supplemental Terms are intended for internal evaluation and testing purposes and may be immediately terminated by Stack in its sole discretion for any reason at any time. Upon such termination, Customer shall promptly discontinue any use of and/or uninstall the terminated Test Release, as may be appropriate.

Customer acknowledges and agrees that Test Releases have not been fully tested. Accordingly, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, the TEST RELEASES ARE PROVIDED ON AN AS-IS BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY, INDEMNITY, OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND.

Stack will neither defend nor indemnify Customer for any third-party claims against Customer arising from or out of Customer’s use of the Test Releases. Stack’s total aggregate liability to Customer for all claims arising under or relating to the Test Releases will not exceed one hundred US dollars ($100) for all damages, regardless of the nature of the claim or theory of liability.

Customer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to provide Feedback to Stack about the Test Releases, the extent to which will be mutually agreed upon in writing, between Customer and Stack prior to commencement of any Test Release. Customer may provide the names and company emails of those individuals designated by Customer to Stack for further evaluative follow up.

AI Enhanced Services

In the course of provisioning certain services, Stack may leverage artificial intelligence (“AI”) in the provision of those services (“AI Enhanced Services”) to provide certain features or functionality, which includes the use of large language models (“LLMs”).

Customer acknowledges that Stack may use certain Customer provided information, including Content, submitted to the AI Enhanced Services, and Customer instructs Stack to process that Content for such purposes, provided that Stack maintains appropriate segmentation and retention in accordance with the Agreement. Stack will not use any Content, nor permit the use by any of its service partners of any Content, for training of the LLMs without written authorization from Customer.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Stack may use: (i) interactions with the AI Enhanced Services (without limitation, e.g., feedback to outputs) to provide support for and to improve the AI Enhanced Services; (ii) insights and learnings from inputs into and outputs from the AI Enhanced Services to provide support for and to improve the AI Enhanced Services, provided that any such usage is in aggregated or de-identified form and will not identify Customer or any individual; and (iii) the Content to provide support for and to improve any LLMs, if and only if, such LLMs are personalized for and provided specifically to Customer.

For clarity, Customer retains all ownership of such Content and Stack retains all ownership in and of all aggregated metrics, feedback, system performance data, and machine learning algorithms, including any aggregated and/or anonymized results or outcomes associated with the machine learning.

Changes to Terms

As our service and product offerings grow and evolve, we may need to update these Supplemental Terms to reflect such changes.Accordingly, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Stack reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update these Supplemental Terms in relation to the development and release of updated features and/or functionality or as may be required to comply with any applicable laws.